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Yerba Mansa

During one early morning visit to Patagonia's Nature Conservancy, I was surprised to find this lovely sight, a field speckled with white flowers.  A trail sign described them as Yerba Mansa, an herb native to the southwest that grows in wet, alkaline marsh and creek edges.  

A google search led me to Wikipedia: "Yerba Mansa is used to treat inflammation of the mucous membranes...  It can be taken as a tea, tincture, infusion or dried in capsule form."  More....

I am grateful to the Nature Conservancy for the wonderful job they have done in restoring our "Blue Haven" to its pristine state. 

Fine Art Photography by David Fain​, Landscape and Abstract Photography by David Fain, Fine Art Photography, Abstract Photography, Landscape Photography

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Fine Art Photography by David Fain​, Landscape and Abstract Photography by David Fain, Fine Art Photography, Abstract Photography, Landscape Photography

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