I've made a few attempts to go on a "media diet" but I keep taking the bait and getting sucked back in. I need to find out whether I should prepare for the coming Apocalypse or plant a garden in Spring. I gravitate to media sources that, IMO, offer a more balanced analysis and presentation of the facts.
Occasionally, I will peek over the media fence to find out what's being ground out by the "other side's" sausage machine. It's never a life-affirming experience, and so I withdraw.
We humans are a troublesome lot, and our misdeeds are the fodder that keeps all the media outlets in business. They have become our ambulance chasers, and we eat it up. Well, how about some good news for a change... Anyone?... Anyone?
Ok, I'll start, but feel free to chime in with your good news in the comments.

/Our Blue Marble
We haven't experienced a sixth-extinction asteroid impact.
Our sun is behaving. No major solar flares so far.
Our ozone layer is recovering.
JWST is pulling back the curtain on our universe and beyond.
Citizen science is contributing to Earth and space science.
No extraterrestrial invasions have been reported.
More individuals, groups, and organizations are working to heal our planet.
The science and deployment of renewable energy resources is booming.
Organic and regenerative farming practices are growing, and consumer demand for organically produced goods continues to grow.
The EIA projects that renewable energy deployment will add 42 gigawatts (GW) of capacity and account for almost a quarter of the country’s electricity generation. More...
Global EV adoption: around 1-in-4 new cars sold were electric in 2023. This share was over 90% in Norway, and in China, it was almost 40%. More...
/Here--wherever "here" is for you...
Claudia Sheinbaum was elected Mexico's first female president... fingers crossed.
Matt Gaetz will not become our Attorney General.
Bashar al-Assad tucked his tail and ran--good riddance.
Notre Dame Cathedral has been resurrected from the ashes.
New York's LaGuardia Airport has undergone a facelift.
Using AI, Google's DeepMind cracked the protein-folding problem. More...
"ChatGPT successfully passed the USMLE (United States Medical Licensing Examination) and can solve internal medicine case files, indicating its versatility and potential for future clinical applications. In fact, Google and DeepMind developed the Med-PaLM language model trained on several existing medical Q&A datasets to offer "safe and helpful answers" to questions posed by health care professionals and patients." More...
A historic 17% decline in overdose deaths in the U.S.
Twenty-four states raised their minimum wage in 2024.
The UK shut down its last coal power station. More...
Measures protecting abortion rights succeeded in Arizona, Colorado, Maryland, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, and New York, and measures seeking to curtail the right to abortion failed in Kentucky and Kansas.
Eight hundred school districts are now using electric buses. More...

/My Good News
I had a good night's rest and woke up refreshed and eager to start the day.
I continue to breathe in and breathe out effortlessly.
My internal organs continue to dance in sync.
I have all my appendages, and they work reasonably well.
I can count to 10 forward and backward, and I know what time, day, and year it is.
I can walk, skip, climb, and bicycle.
All five of my senses provide me with daily sensory gifts.
I am not depressed, anxious, or fearful.
My only addiction is life.
I love, and I am loved.
I am blessed with two wonderful children and three grandchildren.
I am thankful for the wisdom gained from two marriages.
I have bright, engaging, and talented friends.
I have work that is both interesting and rewarding.
I have shelter.
I have food.
I can express my opinions openly without fear.
I don't have to travel through security checkpoints.
I have easy access to information.
I have many interests and am always eager to learn.
I live in a vibrant community surrounded by beauty.
What's your good news?