As an avowed tree hugger, I am concerned about the planet's forests and the daily deforestation that is destroying a vital, carbon-capturing resource that needs to be protected if we are to stem the effects of global warming. This video graphically illustrates the incredible global deforestation that's taking place. Have a look.
In the United States alone, the Center for Disaster Philanthropy reported that " To date (October 10,2021), 8,106 wildfires have burned almost 2.5 million acres this year, which is just slightly smaller than the entire state of Hawaii. There have been three fatalities and 3,629 structures have been damaged or destroyed." -- converting acres to square miles, that works out to ~3,906 sq. miles.
As many of you already know, forests help regulate global temperatures, capture huge amounts of carbon, contribute to clean air, water and provide a healthy environment for flora and fauna. If we continue to lose our forests, our future on this planet looks rather grim.
I encourage you to do what you can to call attention to deforestation and support--however you are able--any organization that is actively involved in the nurturing and preservation of our planet. Plant a tree! Plant several!